In last few years, our students have been recruited by international software and pharmaceutical industries. These are Pfizer, Novartis, Ideas, Systat, Quantlinks, SPSS, SAS, GE Finance, Codelinks, Hindustan lever, among others. After passing M.Sc. students can choose research careers in India as well as U.S.A./Canada/U.K. Students have also been recruited as officers in RBI, Indian Statistical Services, Bureau of Economics and Statistics.


Name of the course/s :



1. M.A./M.Sc. Statistics ( Duration : 2 Years )
2. M.A./M.Sc. Actuarial Statistics ( Duration : 2 Years )


Eligibility :

M.A./M.Sc. Statistics ( 50 seats )
M.A./M.Sc. Actuarial Statistics ( 20 seats )

Stipend :

The Department of Statistics is a U.G.C. Center for Advanced Studies in Statistics. It is also supported by NBHM. The Department offers a number of Scholarships to M.A./M.Sc. students. These Scholarships range from Rs.500/-per month to Rs.1200/-per month. Some of the special courses taught in the Dept. are: Statistical Methods for Quality and Reliability, Survival Analysis, Actuarial Statistics, Clinical Trials, Statistical Analysis of Micro array Data, Regression & Time Series Analysis, Data Mining, and Statistical Methods in finance.

Some scholarships are available for meritorious students These scholarships are sponsored by Pfizer India, Cranes Software International Ltd. and NBHM gives scholarships based on an exam.

More information is available on : SAVITRIBAI PHULE PUNE UNIVERSITY


Model of Question Paper


Nature of Questions : Multiple choice questions
Number and names of sections in Question paper
1. Statistics upto SY B.Sc of Pune University
2. Mathematics upto SY B.Sc of Pune University
Section wise weightage of marks
1. Statistics upto SY B.Sc (2/3 rd questions)
2. Mathematics upto SY B.Sc (1/3 rd questions)
Number of Questions : 50
Marks per question : 2
(For Correct answer)
Total Marks : 100
Passing Criteria :
Relative ranking, No negative marking


Syllabus for Entrance Exam


Statistics Topics from First Year B.Sc.
Population and Sample, Presentation of Data, Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis, Correlation, Regression. Theory of Attributes, Index Numbers, Demand and Supply Analysis. Sample Space and Events, Probability (for finite sample space only), Conditional Probability and Independence, Univariate Probability Distributions (defined on Discrete Sample Space), Mathematical Expectation (Univariate Random Variable), Bivariate Probability Distribution (defined on Finite Sample Space), Mathematical Expectation (Bivariate Random Variable), Some Standard Discrete Probability Distributions.

Statistics Topics from Second Year B.Sc.
Discrete probability distributions, standard discrete distributions, continuous probability distributions, standard Univariate distributions, continuous bivariate distributions, multiple linear regression and multiple and partial correlation, index numbers, tests of hypothesis, continuous probability distributions: beta, chi-square, t and F distributions, sampling distributions, small sample tests based on chi-square, t and F distributions.

Mathematics Topics from First Year B.Sc.
Sets, Functions, Integers, Complex Numbers, Polynomials, Analytical Geometry of Two Dimensions, Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions, Sphere, System of Linear Equations, The Real Numbers, Sequences of Real Numbers, Limits, Continuous Functions, Differentiation.

Mathematics Topics from Second Year B.Sc.
Linear Algebra, Vector Calculus, Complex Variables, Differential Equations & Laplace Transforms.
Notification Date : Last week of April
Exam Date : June 1st week
Placements : In last few years, our students have been recruited by international software and pharmaceutical industries. These are Pfizer, Novartis, Ideas, Systat, Quantlinks, SPSS, SAS, GE Finance, Codelinks, Hindustan lever, among others. After passing M.Sc. students can choose research careers in India as well as U.S.A./Canada/U.K. Students have also been recruited as officers in RBI, Indian Statistical Services, Bureau of Economics and Statistics.